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Permata Debit Plus Transaction Limit and Fee

May 14, 2023
1 Minute

Permata Debit Plus Daily Transaction Limit on EDC and ATM Channels as of 27 November 2023

Transaction Private Card/Priority Card Preferred Card/Permata ME Card/AirAsia Debit Card/Permata moxaKu Personal Card Bintang Card/SimPel
Cash Withdrawal IDR 15 mio and/or maximum 10x IDR 15 mio and/or maximum 10x IDR 10 mio and/or maximum 10x IDR 3 mio and/or maximum 10x
Transfer to personal account (in 1 CIF) at Permata Bank using the same currency According to the account balance According to the account balance According to the account balance According to the account balance
Transfer to personal account/other account (in 2 CIF) at Permata Bank using the same currency IDR 100 mio and/or maximum 30x IDR 70 mio and/or maximum 10x IDR 50 mio and/or maximum 10x IDR 2 mio and/or maximum 10x
Transfer to personal account/other account at Permata Bank using the different currency IDR 75 mio IDR 50 mio IDR 50 mio IDR 2 mio
Online Transfer to other Banks IDR 50 mio and/or maximum 10x IDR 50 mio and/or maximum 10x IDR 50 mio and/or maximum 10x IDR 5 mio and/or maximum 10x
Payment IDR 100 mio IDR 75 mio IDR 60 mio IDR 10 mio
Purchase - Over The Counter & Online IDR 100 mio IDR 50 mio IDR 25 mio IDR 2 mio
Purchase at EDC* IDR 100 mio IDR 50 mio IDR 25 mio IDR 2 mio
Purchase at E-Commerce / Subscription* IDR 100 mio IDR 50 mio IDR 25 mio IDR 2 mio
Tap Contactless IDR 1 mio IDR 1 mio IDR 1 mio IDR 1 mio

*Limit applies from 23 April 2025.

Transaction Fees as ATM Card

Network Balance Information Cash Withdrawal Online Transfer Failed Transaction* - Cash Withdrawal Failed Transaction* - Transfer
Permata ATM Free Free IDR 7,500 Free IDR 3K
Domestic according to the logo at the back of the card IDR 4K IDR 7,500 IDR 7,500 IDR 3K IDR 3K
Global (VISA) IDR 5K IDR 25K Not Available IDR 5K Not Available

*Failed transactions at/to domestic/global ATM networks occur due to insufficient balance.
The fees above are standard withdrawals that apply and do not apply to products with special conditions.

Other Fees

No Type of Costs Fee
1 Monthly Card Administration Fee IDR 5K*
2 Card replacement fee due to loss, damage, and being swallowed in the ATM IDR 25K
3 Card replacement fee from the National Debit Card GPN type to Global Debit Card (Visa) IDR 15K
4 Card replacement fee due to expiration and/or cards that will expire within 3 months*) Free
5 Card replacement fee from the Global Debit Card (Visa) type to National Debit Card (GPN) Free

*The above fees are standard rates and do not apply to PRODUCTS with special conditions.
*) An example is for cards that will expire within 3 months, meaning if the expiration date on the card is written as September 
2024, customers can replace the card for free starting from June 2024, without incurring any charges.

Detail information on transaction limit and fee for Permata ME and Permata Net can be checked below:


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